
Policies Related to Safeguarding, Bullying and Harassment and Grievance Procedure

Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults – Safeguarding Policy

  1. Protection of children and vulnerable adults is important and taken seriously by SWE. All volunteers and personnel working with SWE have a responsibility to safeguard children and vulnerable adults and promote their welfare.

  2. SWE safeguards and promotes the welfare of children and vulnerable adults in any instance where they are in contact with volunteers or staff of SWE.

  3. Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting; by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger. They may be abused by an adult or adults or another child or children.

  4. Any issues related to potential physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult should be reported confidentially to a member of the board of SWE who should then determine what to do and if concerned about the safety of a child or vulnerable adult then contact the appropriate authorities.

  5. The board of SWE will take all allegations of abuse of children or vulnerable adults by those who work for SWE very seriously. SWE will appoint a board member as to specifically be responsible for the safety of all children and vulnerable adults (the Protection Officer). All reports of allegations must be submitted within one working day to the Protection Officer.

  6. The Protection Officer will investigate the matter to determine what steps should be taken. If there is cause to suspect that a child or vulnerable adult is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm, the Protection Officer will refer the matter to appropriate authorities

Bullying and Harassment

  1. At Scientists Warning Europe (SWE) everyone will be treated with dignity and respect. Bullying and harassment of any kind are in no-one's interest and will not be tolerated.

  2. This policy applies to all board members, volunteers, staff and contractors including those working remotely.

  3. Harassment, SWE does not accept any unwanted conduct affecting the dignity anyone connected with SWE where such actions or comments could be viewed as demeaning and unacceptable to the recipient. Such conduct may be related to age, gender, race, disability, religion, belief, sexuality, nationality or any personal characteristic of the individual.

  4. Bullying, SWE does not accept offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power through means intended to humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient.

  5. Such bullying or harassment may be face to face or in written communications, electronic (e)mail, phone. Legitimate, constructive and fair criticism of work or performance is not bullying and neither is healthy debate or criticism.

  6. Complaints of bullying and/or harassment, and all information relating to such complaints, will be dealt with fairly and confidentially. Complaints will be taken seriously and investigated promptly, and objectively. In all cases any member of the board can be approached confidentially to discuss any issue of bullying and/or harassment and will then decide on the appropriate action.

  7. The members of the board of SWE are clear that high standards of behaviour expected and no bullying and/or harassment is acceptable. Complaints of bullying and / or harassment, or information relating to such complaints, will be dealt with fairly and confidentially and sensitively using the general format set out in the SWE’s grievance procedures.

SWE Grievance Procedure

The volunteer of staff member should raise his or her grievance with a member of the board of SWE. If the decision and any action taken by the board member on their own is not acceptable to volunteer or staff member then he or she will be provided with the opportunity to raise it in front of the full board of SWE. The decision of the board of SWE will be final.