Phoebe is a passionate global citizen with a fire in her belly about accelerating transformative and sustainable change in society. A behavioural and evolutionary ecologist by background, she is now a biodiversity and climate change strategic planner, sustainability strategist, conservation and global change ecologist, policy analyst and teacher. She is founding CEO of the Stable Planet Alliance, affiliate full professor at the University of Washington, and associate of the African Climate and Development Initiative and FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, both at the University of Cape Town.
Phoebe has 26 years of deep experience on three continents, mainly in Africa, North America and Europe - founding and running national and bioregional programs, and helping to steer global ones.
She works in academia, government, nonprofits and with community science groups at global, ecoregional and local scales on the existential problems of our time: biodiversity loss, ecological connectivity, climate risk and adaptation, green economic recovery, and sustainability tipping points. Her climate risk and adaptation work draws on existential threats to (and opportunities for) civilization including climate migration and managed coastal retreat. She is fueled by her core co-authorship of the World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency and her work to implement its six recommendations.
Phoebe and her filmmaker husband John Bowey also work through film, immersive media, and prose to tell compelling and powerful stories about ecosystem health, biodiversity, climate and society, among other big issues ( and She holds a PhD from Uppsala University in Sweden, a MSc with distinction from University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, and a BSc Hons from Acadia University in Canada.