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Dark Optimism - Life After Economic Growth: A Future Worth Fighting For

These are frightening and confusing days. As we have rearranged our daily lives in response to the coronavirus pandemic, other interlocking crises continue to worsen, from biodiversity collapse to food security to climate catastrophe.

Underneath all these, we face a seemingly impossible dilemma – either cease growing, and so collapse the economy on which we all depend, or continue to grow until we overwhelm and destroy the ecosystems on which we all depend.

In these tumultuous times, what does it make sense to do? Is there still a realistic future worth aiming for? And how do we deal with despair?

Shaun Chamberlin quit his job in 2005 to give his full attention to the unfolding crisis, and has learned to live meaningfully in relation to these dark times (for a taste of that realistic future, see:

The 30 minute talk will be followed by 30 minutes of Q&A / open conversation, so bring your deepest concerns, and let's talk it over.

Shaun Chamberlin was author of the Transition Towns movement's second book, one of the earliest Extinction Rebellion arrestees, executive producer of 2020 film 'The Sequel: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilisation?' and leads Sterling College's online programme 'Surviving the Future: Conversations for Our Time'.

He is managing director of The Fleming Policy Centre, and has previously served as chair of the Ecological Land Co-operative, a director of the campaigning organisation Global Justice Now, and an advisor to the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, as well as co-authoring the All Party Parliamentary report in favour of carbon rationing. His website is

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