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5G: High-speed into-harm - without informed consent.

The use of radio wave transmission has grown steadily since the BBC was formed in 1922, but in the last thirty years its proliferation has been exponential, driven by broadcasting, computers and the internet, telecommunications and wireless enabled technology. Now, with the advent of 5G, debate about the impact of man-made electro-magnetic radiation has raged with opinions becoming polarised. The evidence for harm must be properly assessed, and crucial decisions made about the need to safeguard public health, our ecosystems, and the long-term habitability of our planet.

Mike will set out the magnitude of the impact in the use of electro-magnetic frequency fields, the pervasive nature of the technology, the science that now demonstrates severe biological harm, the far-reaching consequences for human and ecological health, without informed consent and the pressure an obsession with wireless connectivity will place upon the world’s energy resources.

Mike Sparrow has had a diverse career in business, including hospitality and facilities services. He has also led a worldwide utilities construction business. Today he is an author, writing novels that centre upon nature, conservation and indigenous history. He campaigns for action on climate change and has a particular interest in raising awareness of the harm caused by anthropogenic electro-magnetic radiation.

7 November

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7 November

Microbes, ecology and global change